Thursday, 22 January 2009

Quick Flower Tip of the Month.

Floral Foam

Do you Know how to prepare it correctly?

If not this is how..................

1.You should first fill a bucket with clean fresh water and added cut flowers food (keeps bacteria at bay and help the flowers complete their life cycle.

2. Place your piece of floral foam onto the surface of the water, and allow the foam to take up water at its own pace. The foam will get darker once its soaked.

DO NOT AT ANY TIME PUSH THE FOAM UNDER THE WATER SURFACE.This will only cause an air lock inside the piece of foam and thus result in flowers not living out their full life.

(Top Tip: for arranging flowers in floral foam,use a knife it will be easier and better for the flowers when placing them into the floral foam)

3. Once you have made your arrangement please remember to keep it topped up with water daily.

4. Never reuse a piece of floral foam it will contain lots of holes, dry areas, will not soak up water fully again, and will by then be a breeding ground for bacteria and this will affect the life of your new flowers.

Hope this helps you make better floral arrangements.

Happy flower arranging


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