Saturday, 26 March 2011

New website is up and running. is up and running, just got a few minor changes to complete, but it's looking good.
Thanks to Tim and the team at floristpro.

Some funny stories in the section about us, heres a quick look.

Rachael:- What the most embarrassing thing that’s happen to you while working at Flowertime?

While out delivering knocked on the front door, no-one answered the door, (was asked to leave flowers around back if no-one home) so I went around the back to find the lady and gent naked on top of each other in the garden enjoying the hot weather. I’m not sure which was the hottest that day the couple, the weather or my face.

Check the website out at or and let us know what you think.

Mothering Sunday is on the 3rd April so don't forget.....

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